Morini CP 162El | Andrzej Kliszewski |
Kosztował prawdziwą fotrunę ale za to stan - gdyby nie "macana" rękojeść wręcz idealny - żadnych nawet rysek ani na oksydzie ani na kartuszach czy na suwaku zamka Dziwny jest ten elektroniczny spust - krótki i wydający śmieszne jak na spust dźwięki włączanego światła ale ma mnóstwo śrubek i spręzynek więc i możliwość regulacji jest zapewne duża . Jak wam się widzi ? |
[ zobacz księgę | dopisz do księgi ] | Ostatnie uaktualnienie: 16.08.2016 | Drukuj tę stronę |
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Warning: fopen(howmanylog1.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php on line 37
Call Stack:
0.0000 356464 1. {main}() /volume1/web/airguns/showme2.php:0
0.5168 388712 2. include('/volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php') /volume1/web/airguns/showme2.php:558
0.5168 388816 3. fopen($filename = 'howmanylog1.txt', $mode = 'a+') /volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php:37
Warning: fputs() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php on line 38
Call Stack:
0.0000 356464 1. {main}() /volume1/web/airguns/showme2.php:0
0.5168 388712 2. include('/volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php') /volume1/web/airguns/showme2.php:558
0.5168 388816 3. fputs($fp = FALSE, $str = '|1734831309\n') /volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php:38
Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php on line 39
Call Stack:
0.0000 356464 1. {main}() /volume1/web/airguns/showme2.php:0
0.5168 388712 2. include('/volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php') /volume1/web/airguns/showme2.php:558
0.5169 388816 3. fclose($fp = FALSE) /volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php:39
Warning: fopen(howmanylog1.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php on line 79
Call Stack:
0.0000 356464 1. {main}() /volume1/web/airguns/showme2.php:0
0.5168 388712 2. include('/volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php') /volume1/web/airguns/showme2.php:558
0.5170 390336 3. fopen($filename = 'howmanylog1.txt', $mode = 'w+') /volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php:79
Warning: fputs() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php on line 80
Call Stack:
0.0000 356464 1. {main}() /volume1/web/airguns/showme2.php:0
0.5168 388712 2. include('/volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php') /volume1/web/airguns/showme2.php:558
0.5170 390336 3. fputs($fp = FALSE, $str = '') /volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php:80
Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php on line 81
Call Stack:
0.0000 356464 1. {main}() /volume1/web/airguns/showme2.php:0
0.5168 388712 2. include('/volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php') /volume1/web/airguns/showme2.php:558
0.5170 390336 3. fclose($fp = FALSE) /volume1/web/airguns/howmany.php:81
osób. |